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daily necessaries中文是什么意思

用"daily necessaries"造句"daily necessaries"怎么读"daily necessaries" in a sentence


  • 日常用品
  • 日用必需品
  • 油盐酱醋


  • How to calculate daily necessary calories figure
  • Hdpe , the product can pack the food , suit , textile material , daily necessaries , industrial product , etc
  • Designed in little size with larger volume , being more practical and reliable ; it ' s a miltifuncional until can be widely used in storing of daily necessaries
  • Designed in little size with larger volume , being more practical and reliable ; it ' s a miltifuncional until can be widely used in storing of daily necessaries
  • There were a huge amount of preserved foods and daily necessaries inside the warehouse of the castle , so she did not have to starve ( although she was hungry until she realized these were eatable )
    城堡的仓库里储藏有大量的食物和日常必需品,所以她不会饿死(虽然在她意识到这些都可以吃前她一直饿着) 。
  • According to the development of economic in inshore area , the domestic trades have been becoming active . cargo such as electrical appliance , ornament materials , daily necessaries , furniture , beverage needed a better transportation than before . container liner has the ability to meet this demand
用"daily necessaries"造句  


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